Relative pronouns
The relative pronouns are:
We use who and whom for people, and which for things.
Or we can use that for people or things.
We use...
Questions with prepositions
We use who to ask questions about people:
Who is that?
Who lives here?
Who did you see?
We use whose to ask about possession:
Whose coat is this? [or] Whose is this coat?
Whose book is that? [or] Whose is that book?
Whose bags are those? [or] Whose are those bags?
We use what to ask...
One and ones
We use one (singular) and ones (plural) to avoid unnecessary repetition.
See those two girls? Helen is the tall one and Jane is the short one.
Which is your car, the red one or the blue one?
My trousers are torn. I need some new ones.
See those two girls. Helen is the one on the left.
Let’s look at...
This, that, these and those
We use this (singular) and these (plural) as pronouns:
- to talk about people or things near us:
This is a nice cup of tea.
Whose shoes are these?
- to introduce people:
This is Janet.
These are my friends, John and Michael.
We don’t say These are John and Michael.
We say This is John and...
You and They
We use you to talk about people in general including the speaker and the hearer:
You can buy this book anywhere > This book is on sale everywhere.
You can’t park here > Parking is not allowed here.
They don’t let you smoke in here > No smoking here
We use they or them to talk about...
Iit and There
English clauses always have a subject:
His father has just retired. Was a teacher. > He was a teacher.
I’m waiting for my wife. Is late. > She is late.
Look at the time! Is half past two.> It’s half past two.
except for the imperative (see more)
Go away.
Play it again please.
If we have no...
Personal Pronouns
Pronouns are words we use in the place of a full noun.
We have both subject and object...
A Hate Letter
O texto em inglês que você vai ler abaixo é uma carta de amor e ódio bem curiosa. Antes de ler o texto em inglês, tenho de contar a história por trás dela. Então, vamos lá!
Um caso de namorados se viu obrigado a terminar o relacionamento. Isso porque o pai da garota não aprovava o relacionamento...
Iniciante: Was, Were, Did
Quando aprendem o passado pela primeira vez, muitos estudantes de inglês se confundem com os verbos was, were e did.
Was e were são a forma passada do verbo 'to be'. Veja:
I, he, she, it was
You, we, they were
We are in the park now,...
Iniciante: 'leave' e 'let'
Os verbos 'leave' e 'let' podem ser traduzidos como 'deixar', mas nem sempre eles têm o mesmo significado. Por exemplo, 'leave' implica deixar no sentido de abandonar, sair, largar. 'Let' implica permissão, concessão.
Veja alguns exemplos:
1) Leave (passado: 'left')
a) My...